Wednesday 9 January 2013

One Month on ...

So I'm still at it - and loving every minute of it! One of the girls at work told me if I lasted the first month I'd be in it for life - how right she was!

The first week wasn't too bad but the second was stressful as I was out on my own. I hadn't given too much thought to fitness. My other jobs have always involved being physically fit but this one is exhausting mentally. It's not just the worry of being somewhere at the right time, it's remembering to sign forms, books and medicine charts. Sounds easy I know but try doing seven different people in the space of four hours (and driving from house to house) and you'll realise how easy it is to forget to sign your initials in one little box.

I've been very lucky. I'm working with some great people who have all helped me and looked out for my every mistake with patience and (more importantly!) understanding. Had they not been so kind I may well have lost all confidence in my ability to do this job. I'm my worst critic and so I don't need anyone to put me down when I make a mistake. It's encouraging to hear more experienced carers telling me they've all done similar things in the past.

Thankfully although my mistakes have been stupid they haven't been life threatening. I can learn from my mistakes and move on - as can the people I'm looking after. The amount of responsibility I have for people I now care for is immense. Seven weeks ago I was a groom. An experienced, confident one at that. Now here I am in charge of people whose actual life depends on whether I give them their medication in the right dosage at the right time. It's a huge change but one that I'm finding incredibly rewarding.

So am I looking back and laughing at my earlier mistakes? Well yes - as I knew I would. But more importantly I'm looking forward with a smile on my face at the prospect of a brilliant new career.
Watch this space!


  1. Ahh love this :) So glad that it's going really well for you Lorraine, you've definitely earned it!

    1. Thank you :) I feel like I've been doing it forever now! Bit like you and uni I expect.
